
Let your unique sense of style and personality shine through. Find the perfect formula for dressing with confidence and ease.

Complimentary Consultation

Let’s chat about what you are looking for and what I can offer you.

Rates available on request.

Wardrobe Management

A 2 hour session where we streamline and edit everything in your closet, your shoe rack, and your accessories drawer. Together we will decide what to toss, what to keep, what to alter and what to re-purpose.

Rates available on request.

Outfit Planning

A 2 hour session where we will take what is hanging in your closet and put together individual looks that best fit your lifestyle and your body shape. If there are gaps or updates needed, we will make a shopping list.

Rates available on request.

Personal Shopping

A 3 hour session where based on our closet edit session, I will resource clothes and plan a shopping session. We can do this together or I can shop specifically for you.

Rates available on request.

Are you ready to find solutions to your everyday style and wardrobe challenges?